In memory of...

Jessie Anne Potter

Date of Birth 10/07/1990
Date of Death 14/08/1990

I grew you safely, so warm in my tummy
I'd talk to you, so you knew I was your mummy
Over the months we grew a special bond
I hadn't met you but I couldn't be more fond

Then finally came the day we got to meet
So beautiful,so perfect,you had my funny feet
I nutured you,loved you geed you from my breast
I loved your smile,your life you were so full of zest

One night I bathed you and fed you
We sung and played like we always do
I layed you down and said sleep tight
Ill see your beautiful face when its light

But when morning time came and I awoke
I felt my throat swell,thought I might choke
Before my body could move or I left the bed
I knew in my heart,I knew in my head

I rushed to your side,seeing it was too late
But I couldn't accept that was my fate
I tried to breathe my life into you again and again
Trying to ignore and fight the rising pain

I knew it was pointless, but I'd beat the odds
I wanted to swap my life for yours,I begged the gods
But that bright sunfilled morning my prayers were ignored
You had grown your angel wings and soared

I felt a darkness,hollow,numb,i couldn't let you go
Never had i been consumed buy so much pain or sorrow
I wanted the world to end that day
I couldn't continue to live if I sent you away

But in came my little ray of sunshine
She looked at me and promised id be fine
The days were hard missing,longing, yearning for you
Some days I wasn't sure I'd make it through

They compassionately say time heals all wounds
But certainly in this situation that alludes
But as the seconds turned to minutes missing your cheeks
Minutes turned to hours,hours to weeks

Weeks to months and months to years
I can look back with both happiness and tears
As i remember the time i am grateful we shared
And although I was in no way prepared

Im glad I was yours and you were mine
Im so whole heartedly greatful our lives in twine

Thankyou for the love,the smiles,the memories
I will always a d forever cherish these
And one day I will hold you in my arms once more
And on that day together our souls will soar