In memory of...
Ronald Keith Lawson
Date of Birth 21/10/2018
Date of Death 21/10/2018
My baby nephew we think about you everyday. Your twin brother is so big, so smart & so beautiful, he truly is the other half of you so I can only imagine you'd be just alike, how brothers are. It breaks my heart to think you both are turning 5 this year. What I would give for you to be here... I would hands down give my last breath if it meant you could take your first. I remember the day I found out yous were in your mum's belly, it was the happiest day of my life. I got your name on my arm, next to your brother's, so I know you're always with me. Play peacefully in heavens garden my boy & kiss your Nanna's for me. We love you forever our angel. ❤️