Our reading list for bereaved parents and children


Processing grief can be a significant challenge to those directly experiencing loss and those around them. While no single text can offer a simple answer, we reached out to our followers and families who we have supported and below you will find the books many of them have found helpful.

Featured book: My Brother, Born Sleeping

Lellie Lopter

“My brother born sleeping is beautifully written and illustrated. In times of grief, young children can sense the changes in their environment and their parents’ emotional state. As well as experiencing a range of emotions, children’s curiosity in understanding loss can make for difficult conversations when parents are experiencing their own pain. This book will go a long way in supporting those conversations.“ - Keren Ludski, CEO – Red Nose Australia

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Books for Adults

Book Title Author(s)
Letters of Love- Written for Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Edited by Melissa Desveaux

(Receive a 10% discount by using the code REDNOSE10%OFF)

Still A Mum Meagan Donaldson
The Birthdays Without You Journal Lauran Ellis
The Baby Loss Guide Zoe Clark-Coates
You are the Mother of all Mothers Angela Mille
A Grief Observed C S Lewis
Coping with Grief Mal & Dianne McKissock
They were Still Born by Janel C. Atlas
Women Who Run With The Wolves Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Heart Space Ami McCarthy
All I Know - A memoir of love, loss and life Coustas, Mary
Fallen Angel Falach, Pauline
Layla’s Story - A memoir of sex, love, loss and longing Gorman, Vanessa
Changed - Living with Stillbirth Jankowski, Liza
The rules do not apply Levy, Ariel
An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination McCracken, Elizabeth
Inside Out Moore, Demi
Invisible Earthquake - A woman’s journal through Stillbirth Ndlovu, Malika
I AM I AM I AM - Seventeen Brushes with Death O’Farrell, Maggie
Still at Birth Sugden, Caroline
The Chronology of Water Yuknavitch, Lidia
Mackenzie’s Mission - How one family turned tragedy into hope and love Casella, Rachael
Dead Babies and Seaside Towns Jolly, Alice
Any Ordinary Day Sales, Leigh
Your Own Kind of Girl Bowditch, Clare
They Were Still Born - Personal Stories about Stillbirth Atlas, Janel C.
to linger on hot coals - collected poetic works from grieving women writers Cole Stephanie Paige & Bayly, Catherine
Always a part of me - Surviving Childbearing loss Collinge, Amanda Daniel, Sue & Jones, Heather Grace
Three Minus One - Stories of Parents Love and Loss Hanish, Sean & Warner, Brooke
Surviving my first year of Childloss - Personal stories from Grieving Parents Himmelrich, Nathalie
A Silent Love Ryan, Adrienne
Beyond Tears Ellen Mitchel
Miracle Beginnings Raquel Bosustow
Our Babies Have Died Sands (Available to purchase in our store)
Pregnancy Loss Zoe Taylor
Worse Things Happen at Sea William McInnes/Sarah Watts
The Reality Slap Ruff Harris
Bearing the unbearable: love, loss, and the heartbreaking path of grief by Joanne Cacciatore
The unspeakable loss: how do you live after a child dies? Nisha Zenoff
The Year of Magical Thinking Joan Didion
Young Widow’s Guide to Home Improvement Virginia Lloyd
Getting Back to Life When Grief Won’t Heal Phyllis Kosminsky McGraw- Hill
How to Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies Therese Rando Bantam
Beyond Words: Grieving when your child has died Andrew Thompson and Tricia Irving
Forever Loved: A Guidebook for Widows and Widowers Maria Carr and Aisling Pont
A Widow’s Story Joyce Carol Oates
Nothing was the Same Kay Redfield Jamison
No Time for Goodbyes Janice Harris Lord
My Mother, My Father – On Losing a Parent Susan Wyndham
When Bad Things Happen to Good People Harold Kushner
The Heart of Grief Thomas Attig
Grief and Remembering Allan Kellehear
Coping with Grief Mal McKissock
The Grief of our Children Diane McKissock
Now that the Funeral is Over: Understanding the Effects of our Grief Doris Zagdanski
Healing Grief - A Guide to Loss and Recovery Barbara Ward Vermillion
A Parent’s Guide to Raising Grieving Children Phyllis Silverman et al
The Grieving Teen Helen Fitzgerald
Never the Same Donna Schurmann
The Orphaned Adult: Understanding And Coping With Grief and Change After The Death Of Our Parents Alexander Levy
Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be: Lessons on Change, Loss, and Spiritual Transformation Surya Das
Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart Mark Epstein
An Exact Replica of a Figment of my Imagination Elizabeth McCracken
Bereaved Children and Teens: A Support Guide for Parents and Professionals Earl Grollman
Talking About Death Earl Grollman
Good Mourning Sally Douglas and Imogen Carn
Any Ordinary Day Leigh Sales
Signs Laura Lynne Jackson
Bearing the Unbearable Joanne Cacciatore, PhD
Finding Meaning David Kessler
Life is Tough - But so are you Briony Benjamin

Books for Children

Book Title Author(s)
My Brother, Born Sleeping Lellie Lopter
Born to Fly Tamara Whittaker
The Grief Wave Tracey Moroney
Shelter for Sadness Anne Booth
Waiting for Wolf Sandra Dieckmann
Beginnings and Endings with Lifetimes in between Bryan Mellonie and Robert Ingpen
Something Happened Cathy Blanford
We were gonna have a baby, but we had an angel instead Pat Schwiebert


Title Author(s)
The other one Robert Service

Last reviewed: 25/3/25