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Family & Friends
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Red Nose Grief and Loss
‘My grief, unique to me, but oh how unfortunately common.
I used to think about the legacy I was leaving my grandchildren when I died, what would they remember about me? I never thought I would ha...
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Red Nose Grief and Loss
When a baby or child dies
The death of a baby or child can be a devastating experience. Grief can take over the whole being, and it is not uncommon for bereaved parents to feel pain and despair, ange...
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Red Nose Grief and Loss
What Grieving Parents Want You to Know
Please don’t avoid me. You can’t catch my grief. My world is painful and when you are too afraid to call me or say anything, you isolate me at a time when ...
Most read articles for Family & Friends
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Guiding Light Booklets and Brochures
Bereavement Support Services Brochure & Information
Red Nose Grief and Loss is aware that people need different kinds of support at different times, so we offer you a range of bereavement support options.
Choices in Arranging a Child’s Funeral
The funeral is the last physical act of caring for your child. It is a time, amid profound grief, when you can acknowledge your child and the meaning your child’s life holds for you and your family.
Grandparent to Grandparent
This booklet is an acknowledgement that grandparents experience deep sadness when a child dies. We hope that in reading it you may and support in the words of other grandparents.
Older Loss fact sheet
To Family and Friends: You Can Make a Difference
To every family, the sudden unexpected death of a baby or young child is devastating. The family’s world is turned upside down. They may feel angry, confused, hurt – and alone. Your support, caring and friendship are so important during this time.
When Relationships Hurt, Too
In our society we are often ill prepared to deal with grief. The death of a child is so unexpected that few of us have had time to think, let alone talk, about these issues.