Your Stories
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Pip: I am the face of stillbirth
Pip Hanrahan’s remembers feeling incredibly calm in first pregnancy. “We tried for about 18 months, so when we fell pregnant it was very welcome. I was 35, but it was a beautiful, perfect pregna...

Walk to Remember: Remembering Brent
In 1996 Debbie’s son Brent was stillborn at 28 week’s gestation. Three generations of Debbie’s family attend the Brisbane Walk to Remember each year. She shares with us why it is so important to...

Allow yourself to grieve your baby in whichever way you choose
Edwina’s beautiful boy Sebby died from a rare genetic condition at 10 months old. She is now one of our peer support workers and as wells as being the mother of Sebby, she is also the mother of two ...