Gold Coast General In Person Support Group

In partnership with the Motherhood Village we invite you to Join our face-to-face support group in the Gold Coast, with other parents who have experienced a similar loss. Listen to their stories or share your own, if you feel comfortable. The Gold Coast group is typically held on the first Monday of the month at 6pm.
Volunteer peer supporters facilitate each meeting. The peer supporter is a bereaved parent and is trained in providing grief support. These sessions are empathetic, non-judgmental, and are all about creating a warm, safe and welcoming environment for you. There is no judgment about the type of loss you’ve experienced or how long ago it was.
If this group feels like it would be a nice fit for you, please register your attendance via this link below. These support groups are free but you do need to register.
Next Support Group:
07/04/25 - 6pm - 8pm
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