Having Another Baby – Dealing With a Subsequent Pregnancy
Be sensitive to subsequent pregnancies. It is often assumed that if bereaved parents become pregnant again, everything will return to normal. A new pregnancy can be a very anxious time and even the arrival of a new baby may not always relieve the pain. In fact, some parents and grandparents may even feel a resurgence of their original grief. Support your child by listening and discussing their hopes and fears.
“When Max’s little sister was born we shed some bittersweet tears. We were happy to have a healthy live bub, but also knew that a big piece of our family was not here.”1
You may also like to read the Red Nose Grief and Loss booklet Another Baby? The Decision is Yours. This is a booklet for parents whose baby or young child has died and are considering having another child.
Last reviewed: 26/1/25
1. Quote from a participant of a series of Bereaved grandparent workshops held in 2015 at Red Nose Grief and Loss, Malvern, Victoria, and Red Nose Grief and Loss offices, Australia.