Latest Men’s Den Articles

Infertility Awareness – It IS bigger on the inside
In a world where stories are shouted from the rooftops, or in today’s vernacular, posted widely on social media, or hidden from all but a few – stories about the infertility journey and struggle s...

Dear Parent: A video about Autopsy

End of Lockdown - Advice for bereaved families
Sydneysiders, Territorians and Melburnians are beginning to emerge bleary-eyed and exhausted from extended lockdowns. State and international borders are opening. Families and friends are reuniting, s...

The Grief of A Dad
“My initial reaction was numbness. The world did not have a past or a future. There was nothing I could now do about the past, and the future could change in an instant. So planning and seeing ahead...

The Early Days and Weeks (In the Beginning)
1. Don’t Rush The Funeral “One tip I would say to any newly bereaved father or indeed family, in terms of planning funerals and all of those sorts of horrible formal things, take your time, there...

What is Grief?
The feelings that are experienced after the loss of a child can be powerful, unrelenting and all consuming. These may include anger, sadness, helplessness, guilt and loneliness. You may find yourself ...

SMS for dads when things don’t go to plan
Book Club
Ever wanted to join a book club but been unsure if you can commit to reading a book every month? Then Our Book* Club (*with Movie Option) is for you!

In loving memory of Abigail
I want other families to know that miscarriage and stillbirths are more common than we think. Supporting families who have experienced this can be as easy as saying their names. I love talking about A...

A First Christmas without your baby
A message to all mums and dads this Christmas who are grieving the loss of a child for the first time. I am so sorry you are here.