Navigating Red Nose Day  


Red Nose Day is a special day on our calendar. It’s where we get silly for a serious cause. We talk openly and publicly about babies and children who have died way too early and talk about prevention. You may see many advertisements on TV, hear them on the radio and come across them online.

We know how hard this can be for our families, especially those in the early stages of processing their grief. The silliness around a serious cause can potentially seem frivolous or superficial but know that there is a deeper meaning behind the launch of Red Nose Day all those years ago. We are proud of the way this special day has grown and developed during this time.

We don’t know what we don’t know. The number of SIDS deaths in Australia has reduced 80% since our inception, but that doesn’t mean those deaths were preventable at the time. With incorrect information rife in the community and research consistently uncovering new information. It has not always been possible to provide our precious babies and children with the safest environment possible.

There will be much talk and promotion of both the prevention and support services offered to families in the lead up to and on Red Nose Day. Through this awareness campaign, we know that some images or videos may be challenging or triggering for those families who have experienced the death of a baby or child.

If this is affecting you, be aware that this is perfectly normal. Please take time out for yourself and be kind to yourself and others. Reach out for support by talking to your family and friends about how you are feeling.

Ways that families have supported themselves and others during these times include:

  • Creating a tribute page for your baby or child
  • Participating in a personal ritual allowing space for your grief
  • Connecting with others who have a similar experience to you
  • Spending time engaging in activities that nourish you
  • Journaling
  • Reaching out for support from your health professionals

“I find it very important to keep talking about my son to people and to make them realise how important it is for them to talk about him to me. It’s all part of the healing process.”

There are many ways that you can be involved with Red Nose Day if this is something you are interested in. You can attend our virtual Annual Remembrance Service the night before. You may choose to fundraise for Red Nose by sharing your experiences with the broader community. Some families create tribute pages and share how they were helped by our team.

* “I have been very involved in Red Nose-related activities. This helps me to feel a sense of belonging. My attitude is that I should do as much as I can for Red Nose Grief and Loss because that’s the only thing I can still do for him.”

Equally, you may not want to do anything on Red Nose Day – both sides are ok. We understand that families will make their own decision based on where they are in their grief journey and know that whatever you chose, Red Nose will continue to support you and your family for as long as you need.

Remember, we are here for you 24/7 via our support line on 1300 308 307. We also have a range of regular peer support groups, and you can visit our support library for stories and information on how other families have navigated their grief.

Last reviewed: 25/3/25