Creative Ways of Remembering Your Grandchild

​“I used to look after my granddaughter once a week. We always went to the local park and sat on a particular bench together. Since her death my daily walks take me back to our park. I sit at our bench…it is a time where I can sit by myself and remember her…I will always miss her..but I feel close to her there”

“Each time I go back to the shack near where she died, there is a tree at the accident site by the side of the road. I go there and tend to the trinket, ribbons and flowers that have been left there and I leave flowers in her memory.”

​There are many ways you can remember your grandchild. By creating your own cherished memories you can also show your son and daughter that their child is loved, missed and remembered.

Some suggestions include:

  • Make a card or a photo album
  • Writing poetry
  • Sponsor a walk or run
  • Buy something for the garden or plant a tree
  • Buy a trinket to place in a memory box
  • Frame photos
  • Create a special ritual
  • Make a quilt
  • Donate to a charity or organization in memory of your grandchild
  • Choose a piece of special jewellery, such as a charm featuring your grandchild’s birthstone

Last reviewed: 29/3/25