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Dear Parent: A video about Autopsy

In loving memory of Thomas
I fell pregnant with Thomas after one try learning of my pregnancy two days before I was to start a new job. It was a surprise and massive shock. I always told him he had inconvenient timing. I was so...

Still a Mum - In loving memory of Violet Grace
Violet Grace Donaldson was born on the 19/7/2019. It was not the birth I had been hoping for. At 22 weeks pregnant my husband Chris and I were informed that our little Violet had a rare condition. He...

Early pregnancy loss recognition
One of the most difficult aspects of early pregnancy loss to cope with is how invisible it feels. You may have very few memories to treasure of your pregnancy and you may feel that others don’t unde...

Our first Christmas after loss – Danielle and Hugh’s story.
After Danielle and Hugh’s baby Hamish was stillborn weeks before Christmas, that first holiday season was unlike any other. Since then, remembering and including Hamish at this special time of year ...

Fathers of Loss Support Series: Rory’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Rory, proud dad of three beautiful boys, Leo, Sonny and Bodhi. Sadly, Leo was stillborn in 2018 at 34 weeks gestation. Leo was his first child with wife Bel. ...

Fathers of Loss Support Series: Pete’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Pete, Pete cherishes his four children. Twin girls and two boys. His first children, twins, Skye and Angel, were born premature and slipped peacefully away.

Fathers of Loss Support Series: Paul’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Paul, loving father of five children. His second child, Bernadette, died from SIDS in 1988 at just seven and a half months old. Paul is a Musician, best know...

In loving memory of Cameron
Cameron sadly was born still in September 2011. His memory lives on forever in the hearts of his loving family and through the Sydney2CAMberra Memorial Ride. Here, Cameron’s parents Nadine and G...