Planning Another Pregnancy
Following the death of your baby, you may be keen to become pregnant again as soon as possible. You and your partner may feel that to have another baby as soon as possible will help to ease the pain of your loss. Alternatively, you may feel the need to wait for some time, so that you can work through your feelings about your baby who died and recover physically from pregnancy. In some cases pregnancy may not be possible or advisable. There’s no “right” approach.
You and your partner may have differing views about subsequent pregnancy, causing strain in your relationship. Also, planning future pregnancies may involve medical or genetic investigations and counselling. Another pregnancy can also be a time of great anxiety. Emotional, cultural, religious and other considerations may influence you in making this decision.
Apart from medical and physical considerations, there is no right or wrong period of time to wait before trying again. Discuss your individual needs with your partner. Your doctor or clinic medical staff may suggest how long to wait before resuming sexual activity and before attempting to become pregnant again.
Some other considerations are listed below.
Your health professional
Do you feel that you could comfortably work together with your health professional through another pregnancy? Discuss any unresolved issues or concerns you may have with the health professional concerned; if you are not satisfied you may wish to seek other care.
Results of testing
You may need to consider the results of post-mortem, pathology or genetic investigations when contemplating another pregnancy. Discussion of these issues with your doctor may lead to consultation with a geneticist, genetic counsellor or other specialist.
Birth plan
You may want to consider discussing a birth plan with your health professional. This might include pre-pregnancy discussions about investigations, tests and also the frequency of visits during another pregnancy. You may also wish to talk about choosing a birth place with particular facilities, the type of birth you wish to have and plans for “What if something goes wrong…?”
Supportive people around you will help you through the often anxious and stressful months of a subsequent pregnancy. Often these may include your extended family, friends, health professionals and others who have had a similar experience.
“I was so scared of losing another baby.”
This article was prepared using extracts from Stillbirth and Neonatal death1. The full text is available online or contact Red Nose Grief and Loss Services on 1300 308 307 for a printed version.
Last reviewed: 29/3/25
1. Ford, D., Richardson, R., Robertson, S-E., Stammers, R., Oxlade, E., Carter, J. & SIDS and Kids. (2016). Stillbirth and Neonatal death: A Booklet By and for Parents whose Baby is Stillborn or Dies soon after Birth. Malvern, Vic.: SIDS and Kids. (Original work published 2004 entitled Treasured Babies).