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The Grief of A Dad
“My initial reaction was numbness. The world did not have a past or a future. There was nothing I could now do about the past, and the future could change in an instant. So planning and seeing ahead...

The Early Days and Weeks (In the Beginning)
1. Don’t Rush The Funeral “One tip I would say to any newly bereaved father or indeed family, in terms of planning funerals and all of those sorts of horrible formal things, take your time, there...

The Journey Begins: You and Your Partner
To outlive your child goes against the natural order of things, so that the death of your child is probably the hardest thing that you will ever have to manage. It is the ultimate loss: of hopes and d...

Another Baby? The Decision is Yours
The death of a child is perhaps the greatest tragedy that can occur to parents. You will be changed by this devastating loss and you may find that your previous thoughts and plans about having another...
People Grieve Differently
Many assumptions remain in our society about the ways in which men and women grieve, despite a shift away from traditional roles and expectations. For example, a man expressing emotions in public ofte...
Will My Relationship Suffer?
Rocked by grief, many couples fear their relationship will be in jeopardy, or even break down permanently. Most individuals have little energy for themselves, let alone their partner, while others bec...
Why Men and Women Express Grief Differently
Biological Influences Differences in brain structure means that women are more likely to have a vocabulary for grief and a need to communicate with others about their emotional experience. Men howe...
Returning to Work
“Going back to work was not too difficult as it gave me something else to think about. The company I was working with at the time of Holly’s death was owned by three caring and compassionate broth...
Suggestions for Helping Yourself
“You just need to know that everyone is different. What helps one person is not always best for another.”1
Trying Again for Another Baby
In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may be afraid of being disloyal or that you may come to love that precious child less. Every child is unique. Your love and memories will always rem...