In loving memory of Cameron


Cameron sadly was born still in September 2011. His memory lives on forever in the hearts of his loving family and through the Sydney2CAMberra Memorial Ride.

Here, Cameron’s parents Nadine and Graham, talk about their son and their experience.

In February 2011, we were delighted to discover that we were expecting our first child.

We excitedly awaited his arrival, imaging our life as a family and creating hopes and dreams for that life together.

12 days before our due date, we noticed a lack of movement and went to the hospital, expecting to be told everything was fine and that we were being overcautious first-time parents.

The Obstetrician told us that they could not find our baby’s heartbeat.

Imagine our shock and devastation… as we realised that we would never see our precious baby grow up…we would never get to fulfil any of those hopes and dreams we had already created for our little family.

On 21 September 2011, our beautiful baby boy, Cameron Robert Belfield was born. He was perfect in every way.

We left the hospital with empty arms and broken hearts. Instead of planning for his future, we planned his funeral.

Instead of settling our precious son into our home, we had to find a way to say goodbye.

In the weeks and months that followed, we were lost… but were lucky to be surrounded by a great support network of loving family and friends, together with organisations like Red Nose and the Stillbirth Foundation.

It was through them that we were able to incorporate the loss of Cameron into our lives in a way that allows us to smile more often than we cry when we think of him now.

Cameron is a very special and loved member of our family who will be forever missed.

But his memory lives on including through the Sydney2CAMberra Ride.

On a trip to Canberra our great mate, Lee, was trying to think of a way to support us. The idea for the Ride was created.

The Ride has provided us with a way to honour Cameron whilst helping other families who have experienced the devastating loss of their child.

It is also a testament of the important role a strong support network plays in enabling bereaved parents to continue on and include their precious child in their lives.

In 2012, the inaugural ride took place with 41 riders and raised awareness and over $55,000 for the Stillbirth Foundation and Red Nose.

But that wasn’t all… it also provided bereaved parents, particularly dads, with the opportunity to meet others and talk about their shared experiences.

This year, the Sydney2CAMberra ride will celebration its 10th anniversary. We thank everyone involved most especially the Belfield family and their wonderful friends for helping Cameron’s memory to live in such a positive way.

Last reviewed: 6/3/25