Latest Strength Articles

A letter to the son or daughter, I never got to meet
Losing you was the most painful experience of my life. To know that you were there, you were created, my son or daughter, my first child, and I spent nights talking to you and telling you how much I l...

Fathers of Loss Support Series: Tim’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Tim, dad of Phoebe. Tim is the father of four children. His second child Phoebe, was stillborn 39 weeks

Fathers of Loss Support Series: Paul’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Paul, loving father of five children. His second child, Bernadette, died from SIDS in 1988 at just seven and a half months old. Paul is a Musician, best know...

Fathers of Loss Support Story: Craig Christie’s story
Father of Loss Support Series: Meet Craig, adoring father of four children, his youngest, Sarah was born still at 24 weeks. Craig is also a keen cyclist who participates in Sydney2CAMberra, prov...

Father of Loss Support Series: Michael’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Michael, dad of Hope who sadly passed away from SIDS in June 2020.

In loving memory of Cameron
Cameron sadly was born still in September 2011. His memory lives on forever in the hearts of his loving family and through the Sydney2CAMberra Memorial Ride. Here, Cameron’s parents Nadine and G...
People Grieve Differently
Many assumptions remain in our society about the ways in which men and women grieve, despite a shift away from traditional roles and expectations. For example, a man expressing emotions in public ofte...
Will My Relationship Suffer?
Rocked by grief, many couples fear their relationship will be in jeopardy, or even break down permanently. Most individuals have little energy for themselves, let alone their partner, while others bec...
Why Men and Women Express Grief Differently
Biological Influences Differences in brain structure means that women are more likely to have a vocabulary for grief and a need to communicate with others about their emotional experience. Men howe...
Trying Again for Another Baby
In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may be afraid of being disloyal or that you may come to love that precious child less. Every child is unique. Your love and memories will always rem...