Latest Devastation Articles

The Journey Begins: You and Your Partner
To outlive your child goes against the natural order of things, so that the death of your child is probably the hardest thing that you will ever have to manage. It is the ultimate loss: of hopes and d...

SMS for dads when things don’t go to plan
In loving memory of Torah

In loving memory of Thomas
I fell pregnant with Thomas after one try learning of my pregnancy two days before I was to start a new job. It was a surprise and massive shock. I always told him he had inconvenient timing. I was so...

Fathers of Loss Support Series: Pete’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Pete, Pete cherishes his four children. Twin girls and two boys. His first children, twins, Skye and Angel, were born premature and slipped peacefully away.

In loving memory of Cameron
Cameron sadly was born still in September 2011. His memory lives on forever in the hearts of his loving family and through the Sydney2CAMberra Memorial Ride. Here, Cameron’s parents Nadine and G...

A father’s grief

How to manage grief during back to school time
Back to school can be a tough time for anyone that’s lost a child. Here are some tips to help you cope during this difficult time.
Getting Through Your Day
Next to the death of a parent, the death of a brother or sister can be the most traumatic event to occur in a child’s life. When a child dies, most of the support from family and friends is focussed...

When Your Baby is Stillborn or Dies Soon After Birth
“I waited so long for you and then in such a short time you were gone. Such a tiny life, such a huge impact.”