Latest Support Groups Articles

The Early Days and Weeks (In the Beginning)
1. Don’t Rush The Funeral “One tip I would say to any newly bereaved father or indeed family, in terms of planning funerals and all of those sorts of horrible formal things, take your time, there...

Father of Loss Support Series: Michael’s story
Fathers of Loss Support Series: Meet Michael, dad of Hope who sadly passed away from SIDS in June 2020.

In loving memory of Cameron
Cameron sadly was born still in September 2011. His memory lives on forever in the hearts of his loving family and through the Sydney2CAMberra Memorial Ride. Here, Cameron’s parents Nadine and G...
Kindergarten and School
Childcare, kindergarten or school can be like a second family to children. Returning after the death of their sister or brother will probably be difficult, but there are some things you can do to help...
Will My Relationship Suffer?
Rocked by grief, many couples fear their relationship will be in jeopardy, or even break down permanently. Most individuals have little energy for themselves, let alone their partner, while others bec...
You may find it helpful, as well as reading these articles, to talk to other parents and/or to a counsellor.
Support Groups
Many parents feel better just knowing that others feel, or have felt, the same way. So this may be the time to connect with a trained volunteer or become involved with a parent support group. Support ...
Looking After Yourself
1. Remember to look after yourself, emotionally and physically. Eat well. Physical activities can energise you, nurture your spirit and provide a focus outside your grief. Try meditation, yoga, massag...
Grieving Differences and Grieving Patterns of a Couple Grieving the Death of Their Child
ONE may feel uncomfortable dealing on such a feeling level and finds excuses to avoid such conversations. THE OTHER may need to talk about the event, needing to go over it to search for answers.