Latest Joyfulness Articles

Surviving special days
It is common for things or events to trigger painful memories. Anniversaries, birthdays, family celebrations, a photo, a song, a baby or child of the same age are just some reported triggers. It is im...

Another Baby? The Decision is Yours
The death of a child is perhaps the greatest tragedy that can occur to parents. You will be changed by this devastating loss and you may find that your previous thoughts and plans about having another...
Another Baby for Siblings
It is understandable that, like you, your children may become anxious and worried when you have another baby. Often, after the death of a sibling, children may be very protective of their mother durin...
Signs of Healing
The following are positive and welcome signs of progress:

Remembering your child on special days
“As Holly is my eldest grandchild she is still very much in my thoughts as I see my other grandchildren achieve milestones in their lives. Going to kinder, starting school, playing with other childr...
Trying Again for Another Baby
In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may be afraid of being disloyal or that you may come to love that precious child less. Every child is unique. Your love and memories will always rem...

Options, Choices and Decisions
Your baby has died but the love you have for him or her will not end. It is precious and enduring; he or she will always be part of your family. In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may...
Special Issues for Siblings
Your other children Your other children will be very deeply affected by the death of their brother or sister and will be grieving in their own way. It is natural that they will also have thoughts a...
The Birth: Grief and Joy
The birth of your next baby will almost inevitably re-awaken your grief for your child who has died. It will be a time of sadness, grief, joy, pride, relief and probably anxiety.
The New Baby
Your new baby will bring joy but maybe also sorrow, as you remember the older brother or sister whom he or she will never know.