Latest Courage Articles

The Early Days and Weeks (In the Beginning)
1. Don’t Rush The Funeral “One tip I would say to any newly bereaved father or indeed family, in terms of planning funerals and all of those sorts of horrible formal things, take your time, there...

The Journey Begins: You and Your Partner
To outlive your child goes against the natural order of things, so that the death of your child is probably the hardest thing that you will ever have to manage. It is the ultimate loss: of hopes and d...

In loving memory of Zak - Tara’s story
In January 2024, I moved to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, leaving behind the familiar comforts of home. Yet, the hardest goodbye was to my son, Zak, whose tiny body rests in Albany Creek, Queensland. Each day...
In loving memory of Torah

How to manage grief during back to school time
Back to school can be a tough time for anyone that’s lost a child. Here are some tips to help you cope during this difficult time.
Why Men and Women Express Grief Differently
Biological Influences Differences in brain structure means that women are more likely to have a vocabulary for grief and a need to communicate with others about their emotional experience. Men howe...
Trying Again for Another Baby
In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may be afraid of being disloyal or that you may come to love that precious child less. Every child is unique. Your love and memories will always rem...

Options, Choices and Decisions
Your baby has died but the love you have for him or her will not end. It is precious and enduring; he or she will always be part of your family. In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may...