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The Early Days and Weeks (In the Beginning)
1. Don’t Rush The Funeral “One tip I would say to any newly bereaved father or indeed family, in terms of planning funerals and all of those sorts of horrible formal things, take your time, there...

SMS for dads when things don’t go to plan

When Your Co-Worker Returns After the Death of a Baby or Child
The sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child is like no other death – it has been described as the ‘ultimate loss’, a loss of hopes and dreams, a loss of part of oneself as a parent, the l...
Suggestions for Helping Yourself
“You just need to know that everyone is different. What helps one person is not always best for another.”1

Grief and Feelings of Loss
In the beginning you may feel so shocked that your body and mind cannot even begin to comprehend all that has been lost. Your investment in such a precious life is immense and deep-rooted.
Individual Differences Challenge Relationships
The distinctive ways in which people express grief can be profoundly influenced by different experiences and beliefs. Given the circumstances of your child’s death these differences are likely to cr...