Latest Neonatal Articles

Dear Parent: A video about Autopsy

Treasured Babies Program: Seeing, Holding and Dressing Your Baby
“Midwives shouldn’t choose the clothes, parents should, because you want to do something for your baby, and there is very little that you can do as parents.” “The only decision you can get ...

Have you eaten today?
During what was meant to be a quick check up on the way to lunch in Newtown, mother-to-be Nikki was instead told that her pregnancy was ectopic, and that she would be escorted directly to the emergenc...

Having to Say Hello and Goodbye Too Soon
Early pregnancy loss When there is an early pregnancy loss, or miscarriage, it may be difficult for you to know what to tell your children. The task may be especially troubling if you have chosen t...
The Pregnancy
It is possible that you will have fears and anxieties at times throughout the pregnancy. At times you may feel you are going crazy. You may be afraid of having the same problem again, or you may now h...

When Your Baby is Stillborn or Dies Soon After Birth
“I waited so long for you and then in such a short time you were gone. Such a tiny life, such a huge impact.”

Your Rights and Obligations or Decisions When Your Baby Has Been Born Still or Died Soon After Birth
Birth Registration States and Territories may have varying requirements around registering a birth so check with your hospital about these.
Losing a Baby Before or During Labour
When told that their baby will be stillborn, many women describe the pain of knowing that the unborn baby they are carrying has died. It can be very lonely and frightening to anticipate and prepare fo...
Born Still or Died Soon After Birth: In the Hospital
You may find that with the support and guidance of hospital staff, family and friends are able to spend time with your baby, once the turmoil of the labour ward or neonatal intensive care unit is over...
A Mother’s Health After a Stillbirth or Neonatal Death
Physical Wellbeing After the birth of a stillborn baby or a baby who has died in the neonatal period, the physical needs of many women become overshadowed by the death of the baby.