Latest Cemetery Articles

Older Loss
Anniversaries, Birthdays and Special Days
Anniversaries, birthdays, religious festivals, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, family celebrations and other special days including Red Nose Day may be especially difficult. As the day draws closer an...
Ways to Help Your Other Children
It is possible to reassure your children that you will be okay, even though you are sad now.
To Bury or Cremate
This, in all likelihood, will determine the final resting place for your child. If you choose to bury your child, the burial must take place in an approved burial ground/cemetery. While you may carry ...
The Funeral and Other Children in the Family
There are lots of ways in which you can include children in the arrangements for the funeral. Being involved helps both you and them to adjust to your child’s death.
Grieving Differences and Grieving Patterns of a Couple Grieving the Death of Their Child
ONE may feel uncomfortable dealing on such a feeling level and finds excuses to avoid such conversations. THE OTHER may need to talk about the event, needing to go over it to search for answers.