Latest Miscarriage Articles

Treasured Babies Program: Seeing, Holding and Dressing Your Baby
“Midwives shouldn’t choose the clothes, parents should, because you want to do something for your baby, and there is very little that you can do as parents.” “The only decision you can get ...

A letter to the son or daughter, I never got to meet
Losing you was the most painful experience of my life. To know that you were there, you were created, my son or daughter, my first child, and I spent nights talking to you and telling you how much I l...

Early pregnancy loss recognition
One of the most difficult aspects of early pregnancy loss to cope with is how invisible it feels. You may have very few memories to treasure of your pregnancy and you may feel that others don’t unde...

The Experience of a Miscarriage
“It seems like a wisp of time that you were here. Places ache inside as I silently mourn.” The loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy can have a profound impact on parents.

Why Does Early Pregnancy Loss Occur?
Generally, a miscarriage occurs when a baby dies and the pregnancy ends. Miscarriage is generally defined as the loss of a baby prior to the twentieth week of gestation. When discussing a miscarriage ...

The Days and Weeks Ahead After a Miscarriage
Facing the reality of everyday life after the loss may be difficult. Parents often feel that their lives have been turned upside down, yet it seems for everyone else that life is going on normally. Te...
Men’s Reactions to a Miscarriage
Following the loss of a baby the emotional needs of the father may be at times overlooked. Fathers may also be experiencing a wide range of feelings: feeling responsible and protective towards their p...
Spending Time With Your Baby After a Miscarriage
Seeing and spending time with your baby can be a positive way to express your feelings and can help you to understand the reality of the miscarriage. However, this may only be possible if you experien...
Women’s Health Following Miscarriage
Everyone is different when it comes to physical recovery after an early pregnancy loss. It may take several weeks for you to return to full strength, and it is recommended that you see your general pr...
Feelings and Reactions After a Miscarriage
Many parents describe a range of responses including disbelief, anger, sadness, guilt, heartache and overwhelming confusion. Life may suddenly seem to be “out of control”. Physical reactions such ...