Latest Excessive Behaviour Articles

What is Grief?
The feelings that are experienced after the loss of a child can be powerful, unrelenting and all consuming. These may include anger, sadness, helplessness, guilt and loneliness. You may find yourself ...

Ages and Stages
The way in which children may respond to the death of their brother or sister is influenced by many factors. These include the meaning of the relationship (protector, rival, ally, only sibling, playma...
Kindergarten and School
Childcare, kindergarten or school can be like a second family to children. Returning after the death of their sister or brother will probably be difficult, but there are some things you can do to help...
Grieving Differences and Grieving Patterns of a Couple Grieving the Death of Their Child
ONE may feel uncomfortable dealing on such a feeling level and finds excuses to avoid such conversations. THE OTHER may need to talk about the event, needing to go over it to search for answers.