Latest Birth Articles

Stacey’s Story - In Loving Memory of Sonny
Termination for medical reasons is also baby loss and it needs to be recognised and supported within the baby loss community and the wider community.

In loving memory of Thomas
I fell pregnant with Thomas after one try learning of my pregnancy two days before I was to start a new job. It was a surprise and massive shock. I always told him he had inconvenient timing. I was so...

Still a Mum - In loving memory of Violet Grace
Violet Grace Donaldson was born on the 19/7/2019. It was not the birth I had been hoping for. At 22 weeks pregnant my husband Chris and I were informed that our little Violet had a rare condition. He...

in memory of kiera
The Birth: Grief and Joy
The birth of your next baby will almost inevitably re-awaken your grief for your child who has died. It will be a time of sadness, grief, joy, pride, relief and probably anxiety.
Losing a Baby Before or During Labour
When told that their baby will be stillborn, many women describe the pain of knowing that the unborn baby they are carrying has died. It can be very lonely and frightening to anticipate and prepare fo...