Latest Grandparent Articles

Helpful Hints - How to Support the Grieving Family
Death is a difficult subject, one which is frightening and unfamiliar to many people. Sometimes it is hard to know what to do or say to someone whose young child has died. You may feel awkward, uncomf...

A Day in the Life of a Grandma
The Funeral: Choosing Helpers
There are different ways to organise a funeral. Some families want to do all the organising themselves, whilst others look to the Funeral Director to guide and support them. Finding someone who will s...

Your Parents
Grandparents are in a unique situation, for they feel the death of their grandchild intensely. For them it can be ‘a double grief’ – grief for you, their child, and grief for their grandchild. T...

Especially for Grandfathers
If you are a bereaved grandfather, it may be especially hard to grieve the loss of your grandchild for two reasons. Firstly, your grief may be minimized by people who don’t consider the grandfather/...