Latest Importance Articles

in memory of kiera

Surviving special days
It is common for things or events to trigger painful memories. Anniversaries, birthdays, family celebrations, a photo, a song, a baby or child of the same age are just some reported triggers. It is im...
The Funeral: Choosing Helpers
There are different ways to organise a funeral. Some families want to do all the organising themselves, whilst others look to the Funeral Director to guide and support them. Finding someone who will s...
To Bury or Cremate
This, in all likelihood, will determine the final resting place for your child. If you choose to bury your child, the burial must take place in an approved burial ground/cemetery. While you may carry ...
The Funeral and Other Children in the Family
There are lots of ways in which you can include children in the arrangements for the funeral. Being involved helps both you and them to adjust to your child’s death.
A Guide for Family and Friends
Death is a difficult subject and sometimes it is hard to know what to say or do to someone whose child has died. But don’t let your own sense of helplessness keep you away. Silence and distance can ...
Looking to the Future
When reflecting on parental grief, we know that the bond you formed with your child extends beyond death. Surviving will be a constant struggle, trying to adapt to a new reality that is forced upon yo...
Particular Circumstances
An only child When an only child dies, parents may feel that they have lost their identity as a family. However, while your parenting ‘role’ is gone, you will never stop being a parent. Your ch...