Latest Time Articles
Another Baby for Siblings
It is understandable that, like you, your children may become anxious and worried when you have another baby. Often, after the death of a sibling, children may be very protective of their mother durin...
Suggestions for Helping Yourself
“You just need to know that everyone is different. What helps one person is not always best for another.”1

Remembering your child on special days
“As Holly is my eldest grandchild she is still very much in my thoughts as I see my other grandchildren achieve milestones in their lives. Going to kinder, starting school, playing with other childr...

Options, Choices and Decisions
Your baby has died but the love you have for him or her will not end. It is precious and enduring; he or she will always be part of your family. In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may...
The Pregnancy
It is possible that you will have fears and anxieties at times throughout the pregnancy. At times you may feel you are going crazy. You may be afraid of having the same problem again, or you may now h...
You may find it helpful, as well as reading these articles, to talk to other parents and/or to a counsellor.
Born Still or When a Newborn Dies: Receiving the News
Your baby may have died before or during labour, or in the weeks following birth. When the baby’s death has occurred before labour commences, many parents have told of the overwhelming distress they...
Making the Most of Your Time Together After a Stillbirth or Neonatal Death
Spending time with your baby after death is a very personal, individual choice and, whatever you choose, it is important to do only what is right for you. Spending time together may give you the oppor...
Born Still or Died Soon After Birth: In the Hospital
You may find that with the support and guidance of hospital staff, family and friends are able to spend time with your baby, once the turmoil of the labour ward or neonatal intensive care unit is over...
How Others Can Help
Family and friends are often deeply distressed when someone close to them loses a baby. They may feel incredibly helpless and powerless and wonder what they can possibly do to make the family “feel ...