Latest Anger Articles

What Bereaved Parents Wish You Would Remember
Bereaved parents explain what they wish their family and friends would remember…

Our Employee’s Child Has Died – How Can We Help?
When a baby or child dies The death of a baby or child can be a devastating experience. Grief can take over the whole being, and it is not uncommon for bereaved parents to feel pain and despair, ange...

The Days and Weeks Ahead After a Miscarriage
Facing the reality of everyday life after the loss may be difficult. Parents often feel that their lives have been turned upside down, yet it seems for everyone else that life is going on normally. Te...
Feelings and Reactions After a Miscarriage
Many parents describe a range of responses including disbelief, anger, sadness, guilt, heartache and overwhelming confusion. Life may suddenly seem to be “out of control”. Physical reactions such ...

When Your Co-Worker Returns After the Death of a Baby or Child
The sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child is like no other death – it has been described as the ‘ultimate loss’, a loss of hopes and dreams, a loss of part of oneself as a parent, the l...

Why the Support of Friends and Family Can Make a Difference
Just being there can make a difference “ of the best things or one of the most helpful things was that the Principal at Sian’s school, came Sunday morning with some flowers and they were b...

A Guide to Help Your Grieving Children
“We tell children about the birds and the bees but we don’t really let them know about what happens when they stop flying. Death is a part of life and when people stop thinking of it as a taboo su...

Saying Goodbye - The Funeral
After the sudden and unexpected death of a child, it can be very difficult for you to make decisions around what is best for your surviving children. Should they be given the opportunity to say ‘goo...
Ways to Help Your Other Children
It is possible to reassure your children that you will be okay, even though you are sad now.
Kindergarten and School
Childcare, kindergarten or school can be like a second family to children. Returning after the death of their sister or brother will probably be difficult, but there are some things you can do to help...