Latest Parents Articles
After your baby has died, understanding family members or close friends may provide valuable support. However, there may be occasions when you feel particularly alone, and the support of other people ...
Planning Another Pregnancy
Following the death of your baby, you may be keen to become pregnant again as soon as possible. You and your partner may feel that to have another baby as soon as possible will help to ease the pain o...
How Others Can Help
Family and friends are often deeply distressed when someone close to them loses a baby. They may feel incredibly helpless and powerless and wonder what they can possibly do to make the family “feel ...
Down the Track
You and your partner may find that you will be “forever changed” following the death of your baby. “Normal” will take on new meaning, as you find your way into the future without your baby. Ma...

Introduction: The Death of a Child is Like No Other Death
The death of a child is like no other death – it has been described as the ‘ultimate loss’, a loss of hopes and dreams, a loss of part of oneself as a parent, the loss of a role and purpose in s...

The Impact of a Sudden and Unexpected Death of a Child
The impact of a sudden and unexpected death of a child presents unique grieving factors and raises painful psychological issues for the parents and family, as well as those who support them. Parents m...

The Nightmare Begins: Emergency Responders
For many parents, the period following the death of a child does indeed feel like a nightmare, with the desperate need to wake up and find everything is OK again.
Spending Time With Your Child
In almost all situations it is possible for you to spend time with your child prior to the funeral. Ask a funeral director to make the necessary arrangements.
Post-Mortem Examination
What is an autopsy? This is sometimes called a post-mortem and is a type of medical procedure performed by a pathologist. The pathologist will carry out an external and internal examination of th...
After the Autopsy
Hospital, Coronial Services and funeral services staff understand your need to spend time with your child. They understand that it can be very important to you to see and hold your child and to involv...