Latest Tragedy Articles

Options, Choices and Decisions
Your baby has died but the love you have for him or her will not end. It is precious and enduring; he or she will always be part of your family. In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may...

Grief and Feelings of Loss
In the beginning you may feel so shocked that your body and mind cannot even begin to comprehend all that has been lost. Your investment in such a precious life is immense and deep-rooted.
Questions About Another Baby
It is very common to raise the issue of having another baby immediately. Some parents feel that it is the best thing for them to do whilst others feel that they can’t face the prospect. It can be a ...
Particular Circumstances
An only child When an only child dies, parents may feel that they have lost their identity as a family. However, while your parenting ‘role’ is gone, you will never stop being a parent. Your ch...