Latest Love Articles
The Bond of Subsequent Children
It seems clear that the brothers and sisters of a child who has died, whether they were born before or after the tragic event, feel a bond with this child. If you decide to talk to your subsequent chi...
Four Important Things to Remember to Help Children
Four important things to remember to help children understand and cope with death: • BE HONEST • BE LOVING • BE AVAILABLE • BE CONSISTENT
Suggestions for Helping Yourself
“You just need to know that everyone is different. What helps one person is not always best for another.”1

Options, Choices and Decisions
Your baby has died but the love you have for him or her will not end. It is precious and enduring; he or she will always be part of your family. In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may...
The New Baby
Your new baby will bring joy but maybe also sorrow, as you remember the older brother or sister whom he or she will never know.
What People Say
The death of your child has also affected friends and relatives. They may feel worried about you and the new baby. Sometimes they will not know what to say or do and sometimes their comments may hurt....
Losing a Baby Before or During Labour
When told that their baby will be stillborn, many women describe the pain of knowing that the unborn baby they are carrying has died. It can be very lonely and frightening to anticipate and prepare fo...
Born Still or Died Soon After Birth: In the Hospital
You may find that with the support and guidance of hospital staff, family and friends are able to spend time with your baby, once the turmoil of the labour ward or neonatal intensive care unit is over...
Spending Time With Your Child
In almost all situations it is possible for you to spend time with your child prior to the funeral. Ask a funeral director to make the necessary arrangements.
Arranging Your Child’s Funeral
You have many choices in arranging the funeral. Arrangements for children and babies may be quite different from the way adult funerals are conducted. There are few legal requirements in arranging a c...