Latest Acceptance Articles

in memory of kiera

A story of grief and healing: Efrem and Blandina

How to manage grief during back to school time
Back to school can be a tough time for anyone that’s lost a child. Here are some tips to help you cope during this difficult time.

Your first holiday season after a bereavement
I will forever be grateful for being Sophia’s mama

Getting through Christmas – what worked for us


Why the Support of Friends and Family Can Make a Difference
Just being there can make a difference “ of the best things or one of the most helpful things was that the Principal at Sian’s school, came Sunday morning with some flowers and they were b...
The Bond of Subsequent Children
It seems clear that the brothers and sisters of a child who has died, whether they were born before or after the tragic event, feel a bond with this child. If you decide to talk to your subsequent chi...
Arranging Your Child’s Funeral
You have many choices in arranging the funeral. Arrangements for children and babies may be quite different from the way adult funerals are conducted. There are few legal requirements in arranging a c...