Latest Peer Support Articles

Peer Supporters - what do they do?
No one can be prepared for the level of grief that follows the death of a baby or child. But for those families going through this terrible situation, being able to talk to someone who has been throug...

Not another bunch of flowers
Mother of four and Red Nose Peer Supporter Nicole lost her second child Isla in February 2016. Ahead of Mother’s Day on Sunday, she is sharing her story, the complex feelings that come with losing...
Becoming a Peer Supporter – Siria’s Journey
By Siria Thomas Peer Supporters play a vital role in the delivery of the services of Red Nose Grief and Loss by offering a very special and personal service that can only be delivered by those parent...

Parent Supporter Training
Red Nose Grief and Loss is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, birth, infancy & childhood and supporting bereaved families. We deliver on our vision through worl...

How Does the Death of One’s Own Child Affect Their Role as a Parent Supporter
Adapted from original paper by Vivienne Bateman1 Introduction Red Nose Grief and Loss (previously known as SIDS and Kids) was founded in 1977 by a SIDS parent, Kaarene Fitzgerald, following the sudd...

Introduction of the Parent Supporter Role
Extract from Hindmarch, Celia (1993). On the Death of a Child. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical. [
Building Relationships between Loss and Grief Self-Help Organisations and Health Professionals
Giljohan, B.1, Hansen, M.2, & Wilkens, K.3 (2000). Building Relationships between Loss and Grief Self-help Organisations and Health Professionals. Grief Matters, 3(1): 7-11. Availability: <
Providing Opportunities for Expressing The ‘Continuing Bond’
Bateman VL Abstract This paper links the recently expanded bereavement theory about ‘Continuing Bonds’ put forward by Klass, Silverman, Nickman and others with the various programs offered by SI...

The Treasured Babies Program
The Treasured Babies Program aims to acknowledge and honour the life of newborn babies who have died, regardless of their gestational age and to support bereaved parents in a practical and tangible wa...