Latest Grief Articles

The Nightmare Begins: Emergency Responders
For many parents, the period following the death of a child does indeed feel like a nightmare, with the desperate need to wake up and find everything is OK again.
Post-Mortem Examination
What is an autopsy? This is sometimes called a post-mortem and is a type of medical procedure performed by a pathologist. The pathologist will carry out an external and internal examination of th...
The Funeral - Be Led By Your Heart, Not By Time
In most cases, time is an issue. If your feeling is to bury your child tomorrow, pursue that instinct, but if you feel you need more time – even two weeks more – this is not unreasonable. You may ...
Arranging Your Child’s Funeral
You have many choices in arranging the funeral. Arrangements for children and babies may be quite different from the way adult funerals are conducted. There are few legal requirements in arranging a c...

Grief and Feelings of Loss
In the beginning you may feel so shocked that your body and mind cannot even begin to comprehend all that has been lost. Your investment in such a precious life is immense and deep-rooted.
You and Your Partner
As individuals, you may find that your thoughts and reactions during bereavement are often different from those of your partner. It can be hard to maintain effective communication in your relationship...
What a Professional Can Offer
No one can ‘solve’ the problems of a person impacted by the sudden and unexpected death of a young child - indeed how could anyone ever ‘solve’ or ‘fix’ this problem? A bereavement counsel...
The Creative Arts – One Way of Expressing Grief
Support that is offered to bereaved parents often relies on talking as a way of expressing grief. Yet there are some human experiences that are so complex and so intensely emotional that words alone c...
Looking After Yourself
1. Remember to look after yourself, emotionally and physically. Eat well. Physical activities can energise you, nurture your spirit and provide a focus outside your grief. Try meditation, yoga, massag...
Looking to the Future
When reflecting on parental grief, we know that the bond you formed with your child extends beyond death. Surviving will be a constant struggle, trying to adapt to a new reality that is forced upon yo...