Latest Fear Articles
Losing a Baby Before or During Labour
When told that their baby will be stillborn, many women describe the pain of knowing that the unborn baby they are carrying has died. It can be very lonely and frightening to anticipate and prepare fo...
Making the Most of Your Time Together After a Stillbirth or Neonatal Death
Spending time with your baby after death is a very personal, individual choice and, whatever you choose, it is important to do only what is right for you. Spending time together may give you the oppor...
Planning Another Pregnancy
Following the death of your baby, you may be keen to become pregnant again as soon as possible. You and your partner may feel that to have another baby as soon as possible will help to ease the pain o...
How Others Can Help
Family and friends are often deeply distressed when someone close to them loses a baby. They may feel incredibly helpless and powerless and wonder what they can possibly do to make the family “feel ...

The Impact of a Sudden and Unexpected Death of a Child
The impact of a sudden and unexpected death of a child presents unique grieving factors and raises painful psychological issues for the parents and family, as well as those who support them. Parents m...
The Funeral - Be Led By Your Heart, Not By Time
In most cases, time is an issue. If your feeling is to bury your child tomorrow, pursue that instinct, but if you feel you need more time – even two weeks more – this is not unreasonable. You may ...
Arranging Your Child’s Funeral
You have many choices in arranging the funeral. Arrangements for children and babies may be quite different from the way adult funerals are conducted. There are few legal requirements in arranging a c...
Your Other Children
Other children can be a blessing, keeping you going, helping you to get out of bed each morning and providing some distraction from your grief. Remaining emotionally available and sharing love for one...

Your Parents
Grandparents are in a unique situation, for they feel the death of their grandchild intensely. For them it can be ‘a double grief’ – grief for you, their child, and grief for their grandchild. T...
Individual Differences Challenge Relationships
The distinctive ways in which people express grief can be profoundly influenced by different experiences and beliefs. Given the circumstances of your child’s death these differences are likely to cr...