Latest Pain Articles

Options, Choices and Decisions
Your baby has died but the love you have for him or her will not end. It is precious and enduring; he or she will always be part of your family. In thinking about whether to have another baby, you may...

Special Issues for Fathers
Sometimes mothers are anxious to have another child more quickly than fathers. If you are not in agreement, it will be important to discuss your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly in order to w...
The Birth: Grief and Joy
The birth of your next baby will almost inevitably re-awaken your grief for your child who has died. It will be a time of sadness, grief, joy, pride, relief and probably anxiety.
The New Baby
Your new baby will bring joy but maybe also sorrow, as you remember the older brother or sister whom he or she will never know.
What People Say
The death of your child has also affected friends and relatives. They may feel worried about you and the new baby. Sometimes they will not know what to say or do and sometimes their comments may hurt....
Born Still or When a Newborn Dies: Receiving the News
Your baby may have died before or during labour, or in the weeks following birth. When the baby’s death has occurred before labour commences, many parents have told of the overwhelming distress they...
Losing a Baby Before or During Labour
When told that their baby will be stillborn, many women describe the pain of knowing that the unborn baby they are carrying has died. It can be very lonely and frightening to anticipate and prepare fo...
A Mother’s Health After a Stillbirth or Neonatal Death
Physical Wellbeing After the birth of a stillborn baby or a baby who has died in the neonatal period, the physical needs of many women become overshadowed by the death of the baby.
Grief and Feeling of Loss After a Stillbirth or Neonatal Death
Our culture, beliefs and upbringing all influence the way we will express our grief. Families and individuals with a particular culture often have a wide range of attitudes or reactions. All individua...
Planning Another Pregnancy
Following the death of your baby, you may be keen to become pregnant again as soon as possible. You and your partner may feel that to have another baby as soon as possible will help to ease the pain o...