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Particular Circumstances
An only child When an only child dies, parents may feel that they have lost their identity as a family. However, while your parenting ‘role’ is gone, you will never stop being a parent. Your ch...
Other Family Members and Friends
It is inevitable that your relationships with other family members will be tested. People will respond in different ways and may not understand how to best help you or to help themselves, especially i...
Everyone Grieves Differently
It is important to remember that everyone - children, parents, grandparents – all grieve differently. Your reaction to your grandchild’s death is likely to be different from that of your partner o...

What Bereaved Parents Want You To Know
“My mum had her own hopes and dreams for her future, which involved her new grandchild, so when Olivia was stillborn, she not only had to cope with her own sense of loss, but mine as well. Even t...
Grandparents and Special Days
At special times (such as the anniversary of the death, birthdays, holidays, mothers’ day and fathers’ day) write and/or call your bereaved child and partner. Mention that you realise what day ...
Grieving Differences and Grieving Patterns of a Couple Grieving the Death of Their Child
ONE may feel uncomfortable dealing on such a feeling level and finds excuses to avoid such conversations. THE OTHER may need to talk about the event, needing to go over it to search for answers.
Having Another Baby – Dealing With a Subsequent Pregnancy
Be sensitive to subsequent pregnancies. It is often assumed that if bereaved parents become pregnant again, everything will return to normal. A new pregnancy can be a very anxious time and even the...

Support For You and Your Family
Support for yourselves Grandparents are often at a point in their lives where they may have experienced a number of losses. Perhaps you already have experience supporting family and friends through...