Latest Grandparents Articles

Common Grief Reactions
“Grief is a tidal wave that overtakes you, smashes down upon you with unimaginable force, sweeps you up into its darkness, where you tumble and crash against unidentifiable surfaces, only to be thro...

Supporting Your Adult Grieving Child - What Can I Do?
“I am powerless, I am helpless. I am frustration. I sit with her and I cry with her I can’t reach inside her and take her broken heart. I must watch her suffer day after day.” 1 (Margare...

A Day in the Life of a Grandma
Everyone Grieves Differently
It is important to remember that everyone - children, parents, grandparents – all grieve differently. Your reaction to your grandchild’s death is likely to be different from that of your partner o...

Especially for Grandfathers
If you are a bereaved grandfather, it may be especially hard to grieve the loss of your grandchild for two reasons. Firstly, your grief may be minimized by people who don’t consider the grandfather/...

Searching for Help or Support for Yourself
While you provide support to others, remember that you too have experienced a loss and must also take care of yourself. It is important that you have support for yourself. You may have friends or fami...

What Bereaved Parents Want You To Know
“My mum had her own hopes and dreams for her future, which involved her new grandchild, so when Olivia was stillborn, she not only had to cope with her own sense of loss, but mine as well. Even t...

Other Grandchildren
Ways to Help the Living Siblings When adults are grieving, the child’s siblings often feel neglected, hurt and confused –and they often do not understand the grief that they are experiencing....
Grandparents and Special Days
At special times (such as the anniversary of the death, birthdays, holidays, mothers’ day and fathers’ day) write and/or call your bereaved child and partner. Mention that you realise what day ...
Creative Ways of Remembering Your Grandchild
“I used to look after my granddaughter once a week. We always went to the local park and sat on a particular bench together. Since her death my daily walks take me back to our park. I sit at our ...