Latest Sadness Articles
Men’s Reactions to a Miscarriage
Following the loss of a baby the emotional needs of the father may be at times overlooked. Fathers may also be experiencing a wide range of feelings: feeling responsible and protective towards their p...
Feelings and Reactions After a Miscarriage
Many parents describe a range of responses including disbelief, anger, sadness, guilt, heartache and overwhelming confusion. Life may suddenly seem to be “out of control”. Physical reactions such ...
How Others Can Help Parents After a Miscarriage
Family and friends are often deeply distressed when someone close to them experiences a miscarriage. They may feel incredibly helpless and powerless and wonder what they can possibly do to make the fa...

When Your Co-Worker Returns After the Death of a Baby or Child
The sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child is like no other death – it has been described as the ‘ultimate loss’, a loss of hopes and dreams, a loss of part of oneself as a parent, the l...

Having to Say Hello and Goodbye Too Soon
Early pregnancy loss When there is an early pregnancy loss, or miscarriage, it may be difficult for you to know what to tell your children. The task may be especially troubling if you have chosen t...
Ways to Help Your Other Children
It is possible to reassure your children that you will be okay, even though you are sad now.
Teenagers Speak
By listening to our bereaved teenagers, we can get a better understanding of how best to support them in their grief. Reflecting their question back to them for their opinion can guide you as a parent...
Getting Through Your Day
Next to the death of a parent, the death of a brother or sister can be the most traumatic event to occur in a child’s life. When a child dies, most of the support from family and friends is focussed...
Why Men and Women Express Grief Differently
Biological Influences Differences in brain structure means that women are more likely to have a vocabulary for grief and a need to communicate with others about their emotional experience. Men howe...
Signs of Healing
The following are positive and welcome signs of progress: