Latest Sadness Articles
The Funeral and Other Children in the Family
There are lots of ways in which you can include children in the arrangements for the funeral. Being involved helps both you and them to adjust to your child’s death.
You and Your Partner
As individuals, you may find that your thoughts and reactions during bereavement are often different from those of your partner. It can be hard to maintain effective communication in your relationship...
What a Professional Can Offer
No one can ‘solve’ the problems of a person impacted by the sudden and unexpected death of a young child - indeed how could anyone ever ‘solve’ or ‘fix’ this problem? A bereavement counsel...
The Creative Arts – One Way of Expressing Grief
Support that is offered to bereaved parents often relies on talking as a way of expressing grief. Yet there are some human experiences that are so complex and so intensely emotional that words alone c...
Questions About Another Baby
It is very common to raise the issue of having another baby immediately. Some parents feel that it is the best thing for them to do whilst others feel that they can’t face the prospect. It can be a ...
Particular Circumstances
An only child When an only child dies, parents may feel that they have lost their identity as a family. However, while your parenting ‘role’ is gone, you will never stop being a parent. Your ch...
Everyone Grieves Differently
It is important to remember that everyone - children, parents, grandparents – all grieve differently. Your reaction to your grandchild’s death is likely to be different from that of your partner o...

Searching for Help or Support for Yourself
While you provide support to others, remember that you too have experienced a loss and must also take care of yourself. It is important that you have support for yourself. You may have friends or fami...
Grieving Differences and Grieving Patterns of a Couple Grieving the Death of Their Child
ONE may feel uncomfortable dealing on such a feeling level and finds excuses to avoid such conversations. THE OTHER may need to talk about the event, needing to go over it to search for answers.

Special Issues
Anniversaries ‘Devotion and affection do not end with death.’ – Unknown There are no rules about how to mark anniversaries – or which ones to mark. The parents may have ideas tha...