Latest Hope Articles

Getting through Christmas – what worked for us


The journey of hope and healing
Every year, our Remembrance Services are a chance for parents, families and friends to come together and acknowledge, honour and celebrate their babies and children. Our CEO Keren Ludski reflects on ...

The Experience of a Miscarriage
“It seems like a wisp of time that you were here. Places ache inside as I silently mourn.” The loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy can have a profound impact on parents.

Having to Say Hello and Goodbye Too Soon
Early pregnancy loss When there is an early pregnancy loss, or miscarriage, it may be difficult for you to know what to tell your children. The task may be especially troubling if you have chosen t...
Four Important Things to Remember to Help Children
Four important things to remember to help children understand and cope with death: • BE HONEST • BE LOVING • BE AVAILABLE • BE CONSISTENT
The Birth: Grief and Joy
The birth of your next baby will almost inevitably re-awaken your grief for your child who has died. It will be a time of sadness, grief, joy, pride, relief and probably anxiety.
Born Still or Died Soon After Birth: In the Hospital
You may find that with the support and guidance of hospital staff, family and friends are able to spend time with your baby, once the turmoil of the labour ward or neonatal intensive care unit is over...
Remembering Your Baby
During the days, weeks, months and years following the death of your son or daughter, you may find some of the following acknowledgments of your baby to be comforting:
How Others Can Help
Family and friends are often deeply distressed when someone close to them loses a baby. They may feel incredibly helpless and powerless and wonder what they can possibly do to make the family “feel ...